LANGUAGE FOR LIFE FROM LONDON – Certificate Presentation Ceremony


Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Salam Eid Ul Fitri. I trust that everyone had a restful holiday although I’m sure many took the opportunity to catch up with family and friends after 2 years of Covid-19 restrictions.

First and foremost I wish to congratulate all the participants of the Language for Life or LLL programme series recently. We are happy that these participants have seen fit to join the sessions as it means that they have seen the need to improve their proficiency in this International lingua franca, the English Language.

When it comes to the business world and most likely having to deal with English Language speakers, it is an advantage to not only clearly understand what is being said by those whom we meet, but even more so to make ourselves clearly understood by them.

LLL is one of two programmes that The English Connexion has brought to the Malaysian and Singapore markets in collaboration with Melewar Learning Resources Sdn Bhd and it is delivered “live” from the UK by The Linguaphone Group’s native English speakers. No doubt, engaging with these experienced teachers as well as others in the sessions is guaranteed to quickly improve your fluency in English.

The other programme that The English Connexion has brought to the market is DELi, or Direct English Live International, where we bring Direct English’s renowned 6-Level proficiency course, again delivered in over 40 hours, by trained and experienced native English language speakers, “live” from the UK.

I trust that the participants have both enjoyed and found the LLL sessions useful and for your information, the LLL is incorporated into DELi when taken as a full package. Please do not hesitate to share the information about them to your friends, colleagues and family.

Again our congratulations to all the participants and I will now pass the ceremony back to the Emcee for the next part.

Thank you.

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